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IRMA-Inštitut za raziskavo materialov in aplikacije


(Construction products covered by Regulation (EU) no. 305/2011 and harmonized product standards, EN)

  Register of valid certificates on the nonharmonized area

Number of issued certificate Status of issued certificate

- name, address
- production plant
- construction plant

Date of first issue Date of valid issue


1374-CPR-10-A (issue 8)

Nikotrans & Begrad d.o.o.
Savska loka 23, 4000 Kranj
production plant:Savska loka 23, 4000 Kranj

Date of first issue:

Status of issued certificate VALID

Aggregates for concrete: EN 12620:2002+A1:2008

Date of valid issue:


1374-CPR-12-A (issue 10)

Gradbeništvo Aleš Zuza s.p.
Poljubinj 96, 5220 Tolmin

production plant: Poljubinj 96, 5220 Tolmin

Date of first issue:

Status of issued certificate VALID

Aggregates for concrete: EN 12620: 2002+A1:2008
Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction: EN 13242:2002+A1:2007

Date of valid issue: 01.06.2022


1374-CPR-27-A (issue 14)

RGP d.o.o., rudarski gradbeni programi
Rudarska 6, 3320 Velenje
production plant: Paka b.š., 3320 Velenje

Date of first issue:

Status of issued certificate VALID

Aggregates for concrete: EN 12620:2002+A1:2008
Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airfields and other trafficked areas: EN 13043:2002 and EN 13043:2002 /AC:2004

Aggregates for mortar: EN 13139:2002 and EN 13139:2002/AC :2004
Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction: EN 13242: 2002+A1:2007

Armourstone: EN 13383-1:2002 and EN 13383-1:2002/AC:2004
Date of valid issue: 22.05.2023  

1374-CPR-51-Z (issue 10)

Miltex d.o.o.
Tepanje 59, 3210 Slovenske Konjice
production plant: Tepanje 59, 3210 Slovenske Konjice

Date of first issue: 08.05.2006

Status of issued certificate VALID

Aggregate concrete masonry unit: EN 771-3:2011+A1:2015

Date of valid issue: 05.10.2022  

1374-CPR-56-Z (issue 18)

Leier-Leitl d.o.o.
Zagrebačka 89, HR-42204 Turčin
production plant: Zagrebačka 89, HR-42204 Turčin

Date of first issue: 08.01.2007

Status of issued certificate VALID

Clay masonry units: EN 771-1: 2011+A1:2015

Date of valid issue: 16.01.2024  

1374-CPR-61-Z (issue 8)

Cementninarstvo Metod Pučnik s.p.
Novo Tepanje 22, 3210 Slovenske Konjice
production plant: Novo Tepanje 22, 3210 Slovenske Konjice

Date of first issue: 26.12.2006

Status of issued certificate VALID

Aggregate concrete masonry units: EN 771-3: 2011+ A1:2015

Date of valid issue: 10.08.2022  

1374-CPR-65-A (issue 8)

AGM Pungerčar d.o.o.
Malkovec 1b, 8295 Tržišče
production plant: Malkovec 1b, 8295 Tržišče

Date of first issue: 10.08.2022

Status of issued certificate VALID

Aggregates for concrete: EN 12620:2002+A1:2008
Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction: EN 13242:2002+A1:2007

Date of valid issue: 01.06.2020  

1374-CPR-72-L (issue 11)

Pomgrad, gradbeno podjetje d.d.
Bakovska ulica 31, 9000 Murska Sobota

production plant:
POMGRAD d.d., DE ABI, Lipovci 250A, 9231 Beltinci

Date of first issue: 28.07.2008

Status of issued certificate VALID

Precast concrete products:
- Ribbed floor elements: EN 13224:2011
- Linear structural elements: EN 13225:2013
– Floor plates for floor systems: EN 13747:2005+A2:2010
- Foundation elements: EN 14991: 2007
- Wall elements: EN 14992: 2007+A1:2012

Date of valid issue: 16.08.2022  

1374-CPR-86-L (issue 6)

GRO-DIP d.o.o.
Dobriška vas 7, 3210 Slovenske Konjice

production plant: Dobriška vas 7, 3210 Slovenske Konjice
Date of first issue: 16.09.2010

Status of issued certificate VALID

Precast concrete products:
Floor slats for livestock: EN 12737:2004+A1:2007

Date of valid issue: 15.12.2021  

1374-CPR-97-L (issue 7)

Leier-Leitl d.o.o.,
Zagrebačka 89, HR-42204 Turčin

production plant: Zagrebačka 89, HR-42204 Turčin
Date of first issue: 28.11.2011

Status of issued certificate VALID

Precast concrete products – Beam-and-block floor systems – Clay blocks - EN 15037-3:2009+A1:2011

Date of valid issue: 29.06.2022  

1374-CPR-108-A (issue 5)

Gradbeništvo Kuster d.o.o.,
Gmajna 55, 2380 Slovenj Gradec

production plant: Separacija, Sveti Vid, 2367 Vuzenica
Date of first issue: 16.05.2014

Status of issued certificate VALID

Aggregates for concrete: EN 12620:2002+A1:2008
Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction: EN 13242: 2002+ A1:2007

Date of valid issue: 29.08.2022  

1374-CPR-110-A (issue 8)

Beton Plus d.o.o.,
Savska cesta 29, 4240 Radovljica

production plant: Separacija Graben, 4240 Radovljica
Date of first issue: 03.09.2014

Status of issued certificate VALID

Aggregates for concrete: EN 12620:2002+A1: 2008

Date of valid issue: 12.10.2023  

1374-CPR-112-A (issue 9)

Kostak d.d.,
Leskovška cesta 2a, 8270 Krško

production plant: Gramoznica Stari grad Krško, Stari grad 3b, 8270 Krško
Date of first issue: 11.12.2014

Status of issued certificate VALID

Aggregates for concrete: EN 12620:2002+A1:2008
Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction: EN 13242:2002+ A1:2007

Date of valid issue: 05.02.2024  

1374-CPR-114-L (issue 5)  

G.T.D. »Tehna« d.o.o. Gračanica,
Donja Lohinja b.b., BA 75320 Gračanica

production plant: Donja Lohinja b.b., BA 75320 Gračanica
Date of first issue: 31.12.2014

Status of issued certificate VALID

Precast concrete products:
- Linear structural elements: EN 13225:2013
- Ribbed floor elements:  EN 13224:2011
- Foundation elements: EN 14991:2007
- Wall elements: EN 14992:2007+A1:2012

Date of valid issue: 01.08.2022  

1374-CPR-116-L (issue 9)

Širbegović inženjering d.o.o.,
Branilaca grada b.b., BA-75320 Gračanica
production plant: Branilaca grada b.b., BA-75320 Gračanica

Date of first issue: 20.04.2015

Status of issued certificate VALID

Precast concrete products
- Hollow core slabs: EN 1168:2002+A3:2011
- Ribbed floor elements: EN 13224:2011
- Linear structural elements: EN 13225:2013
- Floor plates for floor systems: EN 13747:2005+A2:2010
- Foundation elements: EN 14991:2007
- Wall elements: EN 14992: 2007+A1:2012

Date of valid issue: 12.06.2023  

(issue 5)

ŠUŠTAR TRANS, Prevozništvo in težka gradbena
mehanizacija d.o.o.,

Golišče 60, 1281 Kresnice
production plant: Separacija ob Savi, Obvozna cesta 80, 1210 Ljubljana - Šentvid

Date of first issue: 05.06.2015

Status of issued certificate VALID

Aggregates for concrete: EN 12620:2002+A1: 2008

Date of valid issue: 29.08.2022  

1374-CPR-122-L (issue 4)

Tehno beton d.o.o. Gračanica,
Donja Lohinja b.b., BA 75320 Gračanica
production plant: Donja Lohinja b.b., BA 75320 Gračanica

Date of first issue: 29.05.2016

Status of certifikate

Precast concrete products – Masts and poles: EN 12843:2004

Date of valid issue: 10.08.2022  

1374-CPR-123-L (issue 5)

Baupartner d.o.o.,
Ul. Termoelektrana b.b., BA-75300 Lukavac
production plant: Ul. Termoelektrana b.b., BA-75300 Lukavac

Date of first issue: 28.07.2016

Status of certifikate

Precast concrete products:
- Ribbed floor elements: EN 13224:2011
- Linear structural elements: EN 13225:2013
– Floor plates for floor systems: EN 13747:2005+A2:2010
- Foundation elements: EN 14991: 2007
- Wall elements: EN 14992: 2007+A1:2012
- Hollow corw slabs: EN 1168:2005+A3:2011

Date of valid issue: 18.07.2022  

1374-CPR-125-L (issue 4)

Gradmond d.o.o.,
Donje Ledenice b.b., BA-76250 Gradačac
production plant: Donje Ledenice b.b., BA-76250 Gradačac

Date of first issue: 22.11.2016

Status of certifikate

Precast concrete products:
- Ribbed floor elements: EN 13224:2011
- Linear structural elements: EN 13225:2013
– Floor plates for floor systems: EN 13747:2005+A2:2010
- Foundation elements: EN 14991: 2007
- Wall elements: EN 14992: 2007+A1:2012

Date of valid issue: 25.05.2023  

1374-CPR-129-L (issue 5)

Palace d.o.o.,
Planinska 13 a, HR-10000 Zagreb
production place: Sveta Helena 168, HR-10382 Donja Zelina

Date of first issue: 02.02.2017

Status of certifikate

Precast concrete products:
- Ribbed floor elements: EN 13224:2011
- Linear structural elements: EN 13225:2013
- Special roof elements: EN 13693:2004 +A1: 2009
- Floor plates for floor systems: EN 13747: 2005+A2:2010
- Wall elements: EN 14992:2007+A1:2012

Date of valid issue: 22.03.2023  

1374-CPR-131-A (issue 3)

Silva Bračko s.p.,
Plintovec 14, 2201 Zgornja Kungota
production place: Gramoznica Bračko Bezena, Bezena 69d, 2342 Ruše

Date of first issue: 03.07.2017

Status of certifikate

Aggregates for concrete: EN 12620:2002+A1:2008
Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction: EN 13242:2002+ A1:2007

Date of valid issue: 16.09.2021  

1374-CPR-135-SVZ (issue 9)

DELTABLOC, varnostne in protihrupne ograje d.o.o.,
Kroška ulica 58, SI-9000 Murska Sobota
Production place: : Pomgrad d.d., DE ABI, Lipovci 250A, 9231 Beltinci

Date of first issue: 07.05.2018

Status of certifikate

Concrete safety bariers - Road restrainted system: EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012, EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012/AC:2012

Date of valid issue: 31.01.2023  

1374-CPR-137-SVZ (issue 7)

DELTABLOC, varnostne in protihrupne ograje d.o.o.,
Kroška ulica 58, SI-9000 Murska Sobota
production place: Kolektor CPG d.o.o. Tovarniška cesta 23, 5270 Ajdovščina

Date of first issue: 23.05.2018

Status of certifikate

Concrete safety bariers - Road restrainted system: EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012, EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012/AC:2012

Date of valid issue: 31.01.2023


1374-CPR-141-L (issue 4)

Elektroizgradnja Bajina Bašta DOO,
Ulica Milenka Topalovića 92, 31250 Bajina Bašta, Srbija
production place: Ulica Milenka Topalovića 92, 31250 Bajina Bašta, Srbija

Date of first issue: 10.10.2019

Status of certifikate

Precast concrete products – Masts and poles: EN 12843:2004

Date of valid issue: 06.11.2023  

1374-CPR-143-SVZ (issue 6)

DELTABLOC, varnostne in protihrupne ograje d.o.o.,
Kroška ulica 58, SI-9000 Murska Sobota
production place: CGP d.d., IGM, Velika vas 62a, SI-8273 Leskovec pri Krškem

Date of first issue: 12.08.2019

Status of certifikate

Concrete safety bariers - Road restrainted system: EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012, EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012/AC:2012

Date of valid issue: 31.01.2023  

1374-CPR-147-A (issue 3)

Avtoprevozništvo Robert Žagar s.p.,
Žaga 41, 5224 Srpenica
Production place: Deponija Srpenica

Date of first issue:  12.05.2020

Status of certifikate

Aggregates for concrete: EN 12620:2002+A1:2008
Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction: SIST EN 13242:2002+ A1:2007

Date of valid issue: 10.08.2022  

1374-CPR-148-A (issue 6)

Žiher d.o.o.,
Moškanjci 1g, 2272 Gorišnica
Production place: Gramoznica Jurkovec

Date of first issue: 19.05.2020

Status of certifikate

Aggregates for concrete: EN 12620:2002+A1:2008
Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction: EN 13242:2002+ A1:2007

Date of valid issue: 08.11.2022  

1374-CPR-156-SVZ (issue 2)

Petrič d.o.o.
Goriška cesta 57, 5270 Ajdovščina
Production place: Kolektor CPG, Tovarniška cesta 23, 5270 Ajdovščina

Date of first issue: 23.06.2021

Status of certifikate

Concrete safety bariers - Road restrainted system: EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012 and EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012/ AC:2012

Date of valid issue: 12.08.2022  

1374-CPR-156-A (issue 3)

Kostak d.d.
Leskovška cesta 2a, 8270 Krško
Production place: Center za ravnanje z odpadki Spodnji Stari Grad

Date of first issue: 27.10.2021

Status of certifikate

Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction: EN 13242:2002+A1:2007

Date of valid issue: 28.01.2024  

1374-CPR-158-L (issue 2)

GP Krk d.d.
Stjepana Radića 31, HR-51500 Krk

Production place: Stjepana Radića 31, HR-51500 Krk

Date of first issue: 21.01.2022

Status of certifikate

Precast concrete products:
- Linear structural elements: EN 13225:2013
- Fundations elements: EN 1991:2007
- Wall elements: EN 14992:2007+A1:2012

Date of valid issue: 08.03.2023  

1374-CPR-160-SVZ (issue 2)

DELTABLOC, varnostne in protihrupne ograje d.o.o.
Kroška ulica 58, SI-9000 Murska Sobota

Production place: GP Krk d.d., Stjepana Radića 31, HR-51500 Krk

Date of valid issue: 25.02.2022

Status of certifikate

Concrete safety bariers - Road restrainted system:
EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012, EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012/AC:2012

Date of valid issue: 31.01.2023